Tax Services

tax accountant writing notes on pad

Tax Planning

At BHLF, we want our clients to feel confident in their financial decisions and supported in planning for their future. Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability, and we go beyond tax compliance — proactively recommending tax saving strategies to maximize your after-tax income.

Businesses and individuals pay the lowest amount of taxes allowable by law because we continually look for ways to minimize your taxes throughout the year. We make it a priority to enhance our mastery of the current tax law, complex tax code, and new regulations by attending frequent tax seminars.

Tax Preparation

Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program, there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced CPA professional.

Our team has extensive experience in providing public accounting and tax services to a diverse set of clients, ranging from individuals requiring a simple 1040 filing, to executives and corporations from many different industries. You can feel confident in the efficiency and security of our services, as we utilize secure file sharing portals to allow clients to send and receive documents electronically, at their convenience.


If you own a small business and haven’t kept up your bookkeeping, we can help! We’ll prepare your bookkeeping for the year, prepare a full Schedule C, as well as your personal income tax return. Then we’ll help you set up an easy system that allows you to keep your books in tip-top shape for years to come.

In addition to bookkeeping services, our team of CPAs and experienced accountants can help you with tax planning and compliance, payroll, and other accounting services related to your business. We want to ensure you receive all the information you need to help you successfully manage your business finances.

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